Sunday, March 15, 2009

Movie Marathon!

As my girlfriend and I had very limited time together this weekend, we chose to spend it out and about. When we did end up in front of the boob tube, we watched some Dark Angel Season 2, mostly because we're both big fans of Jensen Ackles. Go figure that we end up watching the two episodes he's not in that season.

The result is that I didn't get to anything on the list yesterday, which is a bit of a problem since I usually do at least two a day on the weekends. So today it's time to do the only sane thing. I will become the Marathon Man.

Is it watched? Is it watched?

Er... maybe not the Marathon Man. Maybe just a guy doing a movie marathon. I've stacked up the remaining titles on this month's list and I'm just going to pull one out as the last one ends.

Which will get watched? Depends on my mood. Expect a full report tonight or tomorrow.

Stats: 19/401 movies watched in eighteen days.
Currently Projected Completion Date: March 10, 2010
Completion Date Goal: February 25, 2010

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